
Article II Units

1. Description and Ownership.

All Units in the Building located on the Parcel and delineated on the surveys attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part of this Declaration, and are legally described as follows:

  • Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 in the East half of Lot 7 in Block 14 in Robert Bartlett's 95th Street Homesites being a Subdivision of the West 1/2 of the North West 1/4 of Section &, Township 37 North, Range 13 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois, (except that part conveyed to Chicago and Calumet Terminal Railroad by deed recorded August 21, 1889 as document 1145045 and except that part thereof conveyed to the Baltimore and Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company by deed recorded August 6, 1929 as document 10447349 and also except all that part thereof lying between a line drawn parallel to and 1209 feet North of the South line of said North West 1/4 of Section 7 and the Southwesterly right of way line of the aforesaid Baltimore and Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad) in Cook County, Illinois.

It is understood that each Unit consists of the space enclosed or bounded by the horizontal and vertical planes set forth in the delineation thereof in Exhibit "A". The legal description of each Unit shall consist of the identifying number or symbol of such Unit as shown in Exhibit "A". Every deed, lease, mortgage or other instrument may legally describe a Unit by its identifying number or symbol as shown on Exhibit "A", and every such description shall be deemed good and sufficient for all purposes. Except as provided by the Act, no Owner shall, by deed, plat or otherwise, subdivide or in any other manner cause his Unit to be separated into any tracts or parcels different from the whole Unit as shown on Exhibit "A".

2. Survey Amendments.

In the event the structural components of the Building constituting all the Units boundaries were not in place when Exhibit "A" was prepared, the Trustee reserves the right to and shall cause to be recorded from time to time until all of said structural components are in place, an amended survey or surveys showing the actual locations and dimensions of the boundaries of those Units in the Building that are completed after the date Exhibit "A" was prepared. Whenever in this Declaration the term "survey", "surveys", or Exhibit "A" appears, it shall be deemed to include such amended survey or surveys as shall be hereafter recorded pursuant to this paragraph.

3. Certain Structures Not Constituting Part of a Unit.

No Owner shall own any pipes, wires, conduits, public utility lines, meters, fire alarm system or other equipment or structural components running through his Unit or located in the Stairwells and serving more that his Unit except as a tenant in common with all other Owners.

i. Definitions
iii. Common Elements

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