
Parcel Description

THIS DECLARATION made and entered into by FORD CITY BANK, an Illinois Banking Corporation, as Trustee under Trust Agreement dated May 17, 1973, referred to as the "Trustee":


WHEREAS, the Trustee is the legal titleholder of the following described real estate in the Village of Chicago Ridge, County of Cook and State of Illinois:

  • The East 1/2 of Lot 7 in Block 14 in Robert Bartlett's 95th Street Homesites being a Subdivision of the West 1/2 of the North West 1/4 of Section 7, Township 37 North, Range 13 East of the Third Principal Meridian in Cook County, Illinois, (except that part conveyed to Chicago and Calumet Terminal Railroad by deed recorded August 21, 1889 as document 1145045 and except that part thereof conveyed to the Baltimore and Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company by deed recorded August 6, 1929 as document 10447349 and also except all that part thereof lying between a line drawn parallel to and 1209 feet North of the South line of said North West 1/4 of Section 7 and Southwesterly right of way line of the aforesaid Baltimore and Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad) in Cook County, Illinois.

WHEREAS, the above described real estate is now improved with one building containing 18 residential units, which building shall be known as EASTRIDGE CONDOMINIUMS and commonly known as:

  • 9836 South Sayre Avenue, Chicago Ridge, Illinois

WHEREAS, Trustee intends to end does hereby submit said real estate together with all buildings, structures, improvements and other permanent fixtures of whatsoever kind thereon, and all rights and privileges belonging or in any way pertaining thereto, to the provisions of the "Condominium Property Act" of the State of Illinois, as amended from time to time.

NOW, THEREFORE, FORD CITY BANK, as Trustee aforesaid and not individually, as the legal titleholder of the real estate hereinbefore described, and for the purposes above set forth DECLARES AS FOLLOWS:

Table of Contents
i. Definitions