
Article XII Remedies for Breach of Covenants, Restrictions and Regulations

1. Abatement and Enjoyment.

The violation of any restriction or condition or regulation adopted by the Board or the breach of any covenant or provision herein contained, shall give the Board the right, in addition to the rights set forth in the next succeeding section:

  • (a) to enter upon that part of the Property where such violation or breach exists and summarily abate and remove, at the expense of the defaulting Owner, any structure, thing or condition that may exist thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, and the Trustee, or its beneficiaries, or their successors or assigns, or the Board, or its agents shall not thereby be deemed guilty in any manner of trespass; or

  • (b) to enjoin, abate or remedy by appropriate legal proceedings, either at law or in equity, the continuance of any breach. All expense of the Board in connection with such actions or proceedings, including court costs and attorneys' fees and other fees and expenses, and all damages, liquidated or otherwise, together with interest thereon at the maximum legal rate until paid, shall be charged to and assessed against such defaulting Owner and shall be added to and deemed part of his respective share of the common expenses, and the Board shall have a lien for all of the same upon the Unit Ownership of such defaulting Owner and upon all of his additions and improvements thereto and upon all of his personal property in his Unit or located elsewhere on the Property. Any and all of such rights and remedies may be exercised at any time and from time to time, cumulatively or otherwise, by the Board.

2. Involuntary Sale.

If any Owner (either by his own conduct or by the conduct of any other Occupant of his Unit) shall violate any of the covenants or restrictions or provisions of this Declaration or the regulations adopted by the Board, and such violations shall continue for thirty (30) days after notice in writing from the Board, or shall recur more than once after such notice, then the Board shall have the power to issue to the defaulting owner a ten-day notice in writing to terminate the rights of said defaulting Owner to continue as an Owner and to continue to occupy, use or control his Unit and thereupon an action in equity may be filed by the members of the Board against the defaulting Owner for a decree of mandatory injunction against the Owner or Occupant or, in the alternative, a decree declaring the termination of the defaulting Owner's right to occupy, use or control the Unit owned by him on account of the breach of covenant, and ordering that the right, title and interest of the Owner in the Property shall be sold (subject to the lien of any existing mortgage) at a judicial sale upon such notice and terms as the court shall establish, except that the court shall enjoin and restrain the defaulting Owner from re-acquiring his interest in the Property at such judicial sale. The proceeds of any such judicial sale shall first be paid to discharge court costs, court reporter charges, reasonable attorneys' fees and all other expenses of the proceeding and sale, and all such items shall be taxed against the defaulting Owner in said decree. Any balance of the proceeds, after satisfaction of such charges and any unpaid assessments hereunder or any liens, shall be paid to the Owner. Upon the confirmation of such sale, the purchaser thereat shall thereupon be entitled to a deed to the Unit Ownership and, subject to the Board's rights as provided in Section 4, Article VIII hereof, to immediate possession of the Unit sold and may apply to the court for a writ of assistance for the purpose of acquiring such possession, and it shall be s condition of any such sale, and the decree shall provide that the purchaser shall take the interest in the Property sold subject to this Declaration.

xi. Sale of Property
xiii. General Provisions

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