
Article V Administration

1. Administration of Property

The direction and administration of the Property shall be vested in a Board of Managers (hereinafter referred to as the "Board"), consisting of five (5) persons who shall be elected in the manner hereinafter provided. Each member of the Board shall be one of the Owners or a spouse of an Owner and shall reside on the Property; provided, however, that in the event an Owner is a corporation, partnership, trust or other legal entity other than a natural person or persons, then any officer, director or other designated agent of such corporation, partner of such partnership, beneficiary or other designated agent of such trust or manager of such other legal entity, shall be eligible to serve as a member of the Board, if such person resides on the Property; provided further that a Board member nominated by the Trustee need not reside on the Property.

2. Organization

The Trustee, upon the sale of one or more Units, and prior to the election of the first Board of Managers, and the Board of Managers at any time thereafter, may cause to be incorporated a not-for-profit corporation under the General Not For Profit Corporation Act of the State of Illinois, to be called EASTRIDGE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, or a name similar thereto, and in such event, such corporation (herein referred to as the "Association") shall be the governing body for all the Owners for the maintenance, repair, replacement, administration and operation of the Property. The Board of Directors of the Association shall be deemed to be the Board of Managers referred to herein and in the Act. Upon the formation of such Association, every Owner shall be a member therein, which membership shall automatically terminate upon the sale, transfer or other disposition by such member of his Unit Ownership, at which time the new Owner shall automatically become a member therein.

3. Voting Rights

There shall be one person with respect to each Unit Ownership who shall be entitled to vote at any meeting of the Unit Owners. Such person shall be known (and hereinafter referred to) as the "voting member". Such voting member may be the Owner or one of the group composed of all the Owners of a Unit Ownership, or may be some person designated by such Owner or Owners to act as proxy on his or their behalf and who need not be an Owner. Such designation shall be made in writing to the Board and shall be revocable at any time by actual notice to the Board of the death or judicially declared incompetence of any designator, or by written notice to the Board by the Owner or Owners. Any or all of such Owners may be present at a meeting of the voting members and (those constituting a group acting unanimously) may vote or take any other action as a voting member either in person or by proxy. Except as otherwise required by the terms of this Declaration or the Act, the total number of votes of all voting members shall be equal to the total number of Units on the Property, and each Owner or group of Owners shall be entitled to one vote per Unit. The Trustee shall be the voting member with respect to any Unit Ownership owned by it.

4. Meetings

(a) Place and Quorum

  • Meetings of the voting members shall be held at the Property or at such other place in Cook County, Illinois as may be designated in any notice of a meeting. The presence in person or by proxy at any meeting of the voting members for at least 51% of the number of Units shall constitute a quorum. Unless otherwise expressly provided herein, any action may be taken at any meeting of the voting members at which a quorum is present upon the affirmative vote of the voting members for at least 51% of the number of Units represented at such meeting.

(b) Annual Meeting

  • The initial meeting of the voting members shall be held upon ten (10) days' written notice given by the Trustee or the Developer. Such written notice may be given at any time after at least 51% of the Units are occupied but must be given not later than thirty (30) days after all of the Units are occupied. Thereafter, there shall be an annual meeting of the voting members on the first day of May of each succeeding year thereafter at 8:00 P.M., or at such other reasonable time or date (not more than thirty (30) days before or after such date) as may be designated by written notice of the Board delivered to the voting members not less than ten (10) days prior to the date fixed tor said meeting.

(c) Special Meeting

  • Special meetings of the voting members may be called at any time for the purpose of considering matters which, by the terms of this Declaration, require the approval of all or some of the voting members, or for any other reasonable purpose. Said meeting shall be called by the voting members for at least one-fourth (1/4) of the number of Units and delivered not less than ten (10) days prior to the date fixed for said meeting. The notices shall specify the date, time and place of the meeting and the matters to be considered.

5. Notices of Meetings

Notices of meetings required to be given herein may be delivered either personally or by mail to the persons entitled to vote thereat, addressed to each such person at the address given by him to the Board of the Owners with respect to which such voting right appertains, if no address has been given to the Board.

6. Board of Managers (Board of Directors)

  • (a) At the initial meeting the voting members shall elect a Board of Managers. In all elections for members of the Board of Managers, each voting member shall be entitled to vote on a cumulative voting basis and the candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be deemed to be elected. Members of the Board elected at the initial meeting shall serve until the first annual meeting. At the first annual meeting the five (5) Board members shall be elected. The three (3) persons receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected to the Board for a term of two (2) years, and the two (2) persons receiving the fourth and fifth highest number of votes shall be elected to the Board for a term of one (1) year. Upon the expiration of the terms of office of the Board members so elected at the first annual meeting and thereafter, successors shall be elected for a term of two (2) years each. The voting members for at least two-thirds (2/3) of the number of Units may from time to time increase or decrease such number of persons on the Board or may increase or decrease the term of office of Board Members at any annual or special meeting, provided that such number shall not be less than three (3), and that the terms of at least one-third (1/3) of the persons on the Board shall expire annually. Members of the Board shall receive no compensation for their services, unless expressly allowed by the Board at the direction of the voting members for at least two-thirds (2/3) of the number of Units. Vacancies in the Board, including vacancies due to any increase in the number of persons on the Board, shall be filled by the voting members present at the next annual meeting or at a special meeting of the voting members called for such purpose. Except as otherwise provided in this Declaration, the Property shall be managed by the Board and the Board shall act by majority vote of those present at its meetings when a quorum exists. Meetings of the Board may be called, held and conducted in accordance with such regulations as the Board may adopt. A majority of the total number of members on the Board shall constitute a quorum.

  • (b) The Board shall elect from among its members a President who shall preside over both its meetings and those of the voting members and who shall be the chief executive officer of the Board and the Association, a Secretary who shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Board and of the voting members and who shall, in general, perform all the duties incident to the office of Secretary, a Treasurer to keep the financial records and books of account, and such additional officers as the Board shall see fit to elect.

  • (c) Any Board member may be removed from office by affirmative vote of the voting members from at least two-thirds (2/3) of the number of Units, at any special meeting called for that purpose. A successor to fill the unexpired term of a Board member removed may be elected by the voting members at the same meeting or any subsequent meeting called for that purpose.

7. General Powers of the Board

The Board for the benefit of all the Owners, shall provide and shall pay for out of the maintenance fund hereinafter provided for, the following:

  • (a) Water, waste removal, professional management fees, electricity and telephone and other necessary utility services for the Common Elements and (if not separately metered or charged to an individual Unit) for the Units.

  • (b) A policy or policies of insurance insuring the Common Elements and the Units against loss or damage by the perils of fire, lightning and those contained in the extended coverage, vandalism and malicious mischief endorsements, for the full insurable replacement value of the Common Elements and the Units written in the name of, and the proceeds thereof shall be payable to, the Members of the Board as trustees for each of the Owners in the percentages established in Exhibit "B". Prior to obtaining any such policy or policies of insurance, or any renewal thereof, except for the initial policy or policies obtained by the Developer, the Board, at its election, may from time to time obtain an appraisal from a qualified appraiser for the purpose of determining the full replacement value of the Common Elements and the Units for the amount of insurance to be effected pursuant hereto. The cost of any and all such appraisals shall be common expenses. Each owner shall notify the Board in writing of any additions or alterations to his Unit resulting in increased value thereof and he shall be responsible for any deficiency in any insurance loss recovery resulting from his failure to so notify the Board. All such policies of insurance (1) shall contain standard mortgage clause endorsements in favor of each mortgagee of each Unit, if any, as their respective interests may appear, (2) shall provide that the insurance, as to the interest of the Board, shall not be invalidated by any act or neglect of any owner, (3) shall provide that notwithstanding any provision thereof which gibes the insurer an election to restore damage in lieu of making a cash settlement therefor, such option shall not be exercisable in the event the Owners elect to sell the Property or remove the Property from the provisions of the Act, (4) shall contain an endorsement to the effect that such policy shall not be terminated for nonpayment of premiums without at least ten (10) days' prior written notice to the mortgagee of each Unit, (5) shall contain a clause or endorsement whereby the insurer waives any right to be subrogated to any claim against the Association, its Officers, Members of the Board, the Trustee, the Developer, the Managing Agent, if any, their respective employees and agents, and Owners and occupants, and (6) shall contain a "Replacement Cost Endorsement". The Board may engage the services of a bank or trust company authorized to do trust business in Illinois and having a capital of not less than $5,000,000.00 to act as Insurance Trustee and to receive and disburse the insurance proceeds resulting from any loss upon such terms as the Board shall determine consistent with the provisions of this Declaration. In the event the lowest of three (3) bids from reputable contractors for making all repairs required by any such loss shall exceed $15,000.00, the Board upon written demand of the mortgagee of any Unit shall engage the services of an Insurance Trustee as aforesaid. The fees of such Insurance Trustee shall be common expenses. The proceeds of such insurance shall be applied by the Board or by the corporate trustee on behalf of the Board for the reconstruction of the Building, or shall be otherwise disposed of, in accordance with the provisions of this Declaration and the standard mortgage clause endorsement to such policies shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary therein or in any mortgage contained, at all times be subject to the provisions in the Act with respect to the application of insurance proceeds to reconstruction of the Building, provided, however, that if the Board or the corporate trustee fails to perform all of the conditions precedent required by the policy or policies of insurance, and fails to collect the amount of the loss within the time required by law, and the mortgagee or mortgagees ate required to avail themselves of their rights under the standard mortgagee clause to collect the proceeds of the policy or policies of insurance, any amounts so collected through the efforts of the said mortgagee or mortgagees shall be applied as directed by said mortgagee or mortgagees.

  • (c) Comprehensive public liability and property damage insurance in such limits as the Board shall deem desirable insuring the members of the Board, the managing agent, if any, their agents and employees and the Owners including the Trustee individually and as Trustee as aforesaid, from any liability in connection with the Common Elements or the streets, sidewalks and public spaces adjoining the Property. Such insurance coverage shall also cover cross liability claims of one insured against another.

  • (d) Workmen's compensation insurance as may be necessary to comply with applicable laws and such other forms of insurance as the Board in its judgment shall elect to effect.

  • (e) The services of any person of firm employed by the Board. The Board, at the direction of the voting members having a majority of the total votes, may employ the services of any person or firm to act on behalf of the Owners in connection with real estate taxes and special assessments on the Unit Ownerships. The cost of such services shall be common expenses.

  • (f) Landscaping, gardening, show removal, painting, cleaning, tuckpointing, maintenance, decorating, repair and replacement of the Common Elements (but not including the interior surfaces of the Units, which, except for the Stairwells, the respective Owners shall, at their sole cost and expense, paint, clean, decorate, maintain, repair and replace) and such furnishings and equipment for the Common Elements as the Board shall determine are necessary and proper, and the Board shall have the exclusive right and duty to acquire the same for the Common Elements.

  • (g) Any other materials, supplies, furniture, labor, services, maintenance repairs, structural alterations or assessments which the Board is required to secure or pay for pursuant to the terms of this Declaration or which in its opinion shall be necessary or proper for the maintenance and operation of the Property as a first class condominium apartment building or for the enforcement of these restrictions.

  • (h) Any amount necessary to discharge any mechanic's lien or other encumbrance levied against the entire Property or any part thereof which may in the opinion of the Board constitute a lien against the Property or against the Common Elements, rather than merely against the interest therein of particular Owners. Where one or more Owners are responsible for the existence of such lien, they shall be jointly and severally liable for the cost of discharging it and any costs incurred by the Board by reason of said lien or liens shall be specifically assessed to said Owners.

  • (i) Maintenance and repair of any Unit if such maintenance or repair is necessary in the discretion of the Board, to protect the Common Elements, or any other portion of the Building, and an Owner of any Unit has failed or refused to perform said maintenance or repair within a reasonable time after written notice of the necessity of said maintenance or repair delivered by the Board to said Owner, provided that the Board shall levy a special assessment against such Owner for the cost of said maintenance or repair.

  • (j) The Board or its agents upon reasonable notice or, in the case of an emergency, without notice, may enter any Unit when necessary in connection with any maintenance, or construction for which the Board is responsible. The Board or its agent may likewise enter upon any patio or balcony for maintenance, repairs, construction or painting. Such entry shall be made with as little inconvenience to the Owners as practicable, and any damage caused thereby shall be repaired by the Board at the expense of the maintenance fund.

  • (k) The Board's powers hereinabove enumerated shall be limited in that the Board shall have no authority to acquire and pay for out of the maintenance fund any structural alterations, capital additions to, or capital improvements of the Common Elements (Other than for purposes of replacing or restoring portions of the Common Elements, subject to all the provisions of this Declaration) requiring an expenditure in excess of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00), without in each case the prior approval of the voting members for at least two-thirds (2/3) of the number of Units.

  • (l) All agreements, contracts, deeds, leases, vouchers for payment of expenditures and other instruments shall be signed by such officer or officers, agent or agents of the Board and in such manner as from time to time shall be determined by written resolution of the Board. In the absence of such determination by the Board, such documents shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President of the Board.

  • (m) The Board, by vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the Board members, and without approval from any of the voting members except as hereinafter set forth, may adopt such reasonable rules and regulations as it may deem advisable for the maintenance, conservation and beautification of the Property, and for the health, comfort, safety and general welfare of the Owners and Occupants of the Property. Written notice of such rules and regulations shall be given to all Owners and the entire Property shall at all times be maintained subject to such rules and regulations. If within thirty (30) days from the date of written notice to the Owners of the adoption of any such rule and regulation the voting members for at least one-fourth (1/4) the number of Units shall file with the Board a written objection thereto then such rules and regulations shall be deemed rescinded until approved by the voting members for at least two-third (2/3) of the number of Units.

  • (n) The Developer may engage the initial management organization under a contract expiring not later than five (5) years after the first Unit becomes occupied, which contract shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Owners and the Association. Thereafter, the Board may engage the services of an agent to manage the Property to the extent deemed advisable by the Board.

  • (o) The Board may elect to have the cost of any or all of the goods and services described in subsections (a) and (e) above, assessed specially to each Owner in proportion to his use of or benefit from such goods and services, provided however that the cost of maintaining, repairing and replacing the master television antenna and all utility conduits, cables, pipes, wire, transformers, switching apparatus and other equipment that is located on or within, or that benefit only, one of the residential buildings shall be assessed among the Owners of the 18 Units in each said building in the proportion that each such Unit's percentage of ownership in the Common Elements bears to the aggregate percentage of ownership appurtenant to all 18 Units in said building.

  • (p) The Board by vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the persons on the Board shall have the authority to lease or to grant licenses or concessions with respect to any part of the Common Elements, subject to the terms of this Declaration.

  • (q) Nothing hereinabove contained shall be construed to give the Board authority to conduct an active business for profit on behalf of all the Owners or any of them.

8. Liability of the Board of Managers

Neither the members of the Board of Managers, the Trustee nor the Developer shall be personally liable to the Owners or others for any mistake of judgment or for any acts or omissions made in good faith as such Board Members or when acting as the Board. The Owners shall indemnify and hold harmless each of the members of the Board of Managers, the Trustee and the Developer against all contractual liability to others arising out of contracts made by the Board of Managers, the Trustee or the Developer on behalf of the Owners unless any such contract shall have been made in bad faith or contrary to the provisions of this Declaration. It is also intended that the liability of any Owner arising out of any contract made by the Board of Managers, the Trustee or the Developer or out of the aforesaid indemnity in favor of the members of the Board of Managers, the Trustee and the Developer shall be limited to such proportion of the total liability thereunder as his percentage of interest in the Common Elements bears to the total percentage interest of all the Owners in the Common Elements. Every agreement made by the Board of Managers, Trustee, Developer or the Managing agent, on behalf of the Owners shall provide that the members of the Board of Managers, Trustee, Developer or the managing agent, as the case may be, are acting only as agent for the Owners and shall have no personal liability thereunder (except as Owners) and that each Owner's liability thereunder shall be limited to such proportion of the total liability thereunder as his percentage of ownership in the Common Elements bears to the total percentage interest of all Owners in the Common Elements.

iv. General Provisions as to Units and Common Elements
vi. Assessment-Maintenance Fund

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