
Article VIII Sale, Leasing or other Alienation

1. Sale or Lease.

Any owner or lessee of any Unit, other than the Trustee, who wishes to sell, lease, assign, or sublease such Unit shall give to the Board not less than fifteen (15) days' prior written notice of the terms of any contemplated sale or lease, together with the name, address and financial and character references of the proposed purchaser or lessee and such other information concerning the proposed purchaser or lessee as the Board may reasonably require. The members of the Board acting on behalf of the other Owners shall at all times have the first right and option to purchase or lease such Unit Ownership upon the same terms, which option shall be exercisable for a period of fifteen (15) days following the date of receipt of such notice. If said option is not exercised by the Board within said fifteen days, the Owner (or lessee) may, at the expiration of said fifteen-day period and at any time within ninety (90) days after the expiration of said period, contract to sell or lease (or sublease or assign) such Unit Ownership to the proposed purchaser or lessee named in such notice upon the terms specified therein. If the Owner (or lessee) fails to close said proposed sale or lease transaction within said ninety (90) days, the Unit Ownership shall again become subject to the Board's right of first refusal as herein provided.

2. Gift.

Any Owner other than the Trustee who wishes to make a gift of his Unit Ownership or any interest therein shall give to the Board not less than ninety (90) days' written notice of his or her intent to make such gift prior to the contemplated date thereof, together with the name, address and financial and character references of the intended donee and such other information concerning the intended donee as the Board may reasonably require. The members of the Board acting on behalf of the other Owners, shall at all times have the first right and option to purchase such Unit Ownership or interest therein for cash at fair market value to be determined by arbitration as herein provided, which option shall be exercisable until the date of expiration as provided herein. Within fifteen (15) days after receipt of said written notice by the Board, the Board and the Owner desiring to make such gift shall each appoint a qualified real estate appraiser to act as arbitrators. The two arbitrators so appointed shall, within ten (10) days after their appointment, appoint another qualified real estate appraiser to act as the third arbitrator. Within fifteen (15) days after the appointment of said third arbitrator, the three arbitrators shall determine, by majority vote, the fair market value of the Unit Ownership or interest therein which the Owner contemplates conveying by gift, and shall thereupon give written notice of such determination to the Owner and the Board. If either party shall fail to select an appraiser, then the appraiser designated by the other party shall make the appraisal. The Board's option to purchase the Unit Ownership or interest therein shall expire forty-five (45) days after the date of receipt by it of written notice or such determination of fair market value.

3. Devise.

In the event any Owner dies leaving a will devising his Unit Ownership, or any interest therein, and said will is admitted to probate, the members of the Board acting on behalf of the other Owners, shall have a like option (to be exercised in the manner hereinafter set forth) to purchase said Unit Ownership, or interest therein, either from the devisee or devisees thereof named in said will, or if a power of sale is conferred by said will upon the personal representative named therein, from the personal representative acting pursuant to said power, for cash at fair market value which is to be determined by arbitration as herein provided. Within sixty (60) days after the appointment of a personal representative for the estate of the deceased Owner, the Board shall appoint a qualified real estate appraiser to act as an arbitrator, and shall thereupon give written notice of such appointment to the said devisee or devisees or personal representative, as the case may be. Within fifteen (15) days thereafter said devisee or devisees, or personal representative, as the case may be, shall appoint a qualified real estate appraiser to act as an arbitrator. Within ten (10) days after the appointment of said arbitrator, the two so appointed shall appoint another qualified real estate appraiser to act as the third arbitrator. Within fifteen (15) days thereafter, the three arbitrators shall determine, by majority vote, the fair market value of the Unit Ownership, or interest therein, devised by the deceased Owner, and shall thereupon give written notice of such determination to the Board and said devisee or devisees, or personal representative, as the case may be. If either party shall fail to select an appraiser, then the appraiser designated by the other party shall make the appraisal. The Board's right to purchase the Unit Ownership, or interest therein, at the price determined by the three arbitrators shall expire sixty (60) days after the date of receipt by it of such notice if the personal representative of the deceased Owner is empowered to sell, and shall expire eight (8) months after the appointment of a personal representative who is not so empowered to sell. The board shall be deemed to have exercised its option if it tenders the required sum of money to said devisee or devisees or to said personal representative, as the case may be, within the said option periods.

4. Involuntary Sale.

  • (a) In the event any Unit Ownership or interest therein is sold at a judicial or execution sale (other than a mortgage foreclosure sale) the person acquiring title through such sale shall, before taking possession of the Unit so sold, give thirty (30) days' written notice to the Board of his intention to do so, whereupon members of the Board acting on behalf of the other Owners shall have an irrevocable option to purchase such Unit Ownership or interest therein at the same price for which it was sold at said sale. If said option is not exercised by the Board within said thirty (30) days after receipt of such notice, it shall thereupon expire and said purchaser may thereafter take possession of said Unit. The Board shall be deemed to have exercised its option if it tenders the required sum of money to the purchaser within said thirty-day period.

  • (b) In the event any Owner shall default in the payment of any moneys required to be paid under the provisions of any mortgage or trust deed against his Unit Ownership, the board shall have the right to cure such default by paying the amount so owing to the party entitled thereto and shall thereupon have a lien therefor against such Unit Ownership, which lien shall have the same force and effect and may be enforced in the same manner as provided in Article VI hereof.

5. Exercise Option.

The Board, by the affirmative vote of at least three-fourths (3/4) of the Board members, and upon not less than fifteen (15) days' prior written notice thereof to all the Owners, may exercise any option hereinabove set forth to purchase any Unit Ownership or interest therein. The Board or its duly authorized representative, acting on behalf of the Owners, by the affirmative vote of at least three-fourths (3/4) of the Board members, and upon not less than fifteen (15) days' prior written notice thereof to all the Owners, may bid to purchase at any sale of a Unit Ownership or interest therein of any Owner living or deceased, which said sale is held pursuant to any order or direction of a court. The written notice to all the Owners shall set forth the terms of the option to be exercised by the Board or it shall set forth a maximum price which the Board or its duly authorized representative is authorized to bid and pay for said Unit Ownership or interest therein. If within said fifteen (15) days the voting members for at least one-fourth (1/4) of the number of Units shall file with the Board a written objection to any such action by the Board, then such option shall be deemed released and shall not be exercised by the Board. The Unit Ownership of interest therein which is subject to such option may thereupon be sold, conveyed, leased, given or devised free and clear of the provisions of this Article.

6. Release Waiver of Option.

Upon the Written consent of at least one-third (1/3) of the Board members, any of the options contained in this Article VIII may be released or waived and the Unit Ownership or interest therein which is subject to an option set forth in this Article may be sold, conveyed, leased, given or devised free and clear of the provisions of this Article.

7. Proof of Termination of Option.

A certificate executed and acknowledged by the acting Secretary of the Board stating that the provisions of this Article VIII as herein above set forth have been met by an Owner, or duly waived by the Board, and that the rights of the Board hereunder have terminated, shall be furnished by any Owner who has in fact complied with the provisions of this Article or in respect to whom the provisions of this Article have been waived, upon request at a reasonable fee, not to exceed Ten Dollars ($10.00).

8. Financing of Purchase Under Option.

  • (a) Acquisition of Unit Ownerships or any interest therein under the provisions of this Article shall be made from the maintenance fund. If said fund is insufficient, the Board shall levy an assessment against each Owner in the ratio that his percentage of ownership in the Common Elements as set forth in Exhibit "B" bears to the total of all such percentages applicable to Units subject to said assessment, which assessment shall become a lien and be enforceable in the same manner as provided in paragraph (g) of Article VI hereof.

  • (b) The members of the Board, in their discretion, may borrow money to finance the acquisition of any Unit Ownership or interest therein authorized by this Article; provided, however, that no financing may be secured by an encumbrance of hypothecation of any portion of the Property other than the Unit Ownership or interest therein to be acquired.

9. Title to Acquired Interest.

Unit Ownerships or interest therein acquired pursuant to the terms of this Article shall be held of record in the name of the members of the Board of Managers and their successors in office, or such nominee as they shall designate, for the benefit of all the Owners. Said Unit Ownerships or interests therein shall be sold or leased by the Board in such manner as the Board shall determine without complying with the foregoing provisions relating to the Board's right of first refusal. All proceeds of such sale and/or leasing shall be deposited in the maintenance fund and credited to each Owner in the same proportion in which the Board could levy a special assessment under the terms of paragraph 8 (a) of this Article.

10. Exceptions to Board's Right of First Refusal.

The Board's right of first refusal as provided in Sections 1, 2 and 3 of this Article VIII shall not apply to any sale, lease, gift, devise or other transfer by the Trustee, or between co-Owners of the same Unit, or to the spouse, or to any lawful children of the Owner, or any one or more of them, or to any trustee of a trust the sole beneficiary or beneficiaries of which are the Owner, the spouse or lawful child of the Owner, or any one or more of them. For purposes of this Article VIII, unless otherwise specifically provided herein the word "Owner" shall include any beneficiary of a trust, shareholder of a corporation or partner of a partnership holding legal title to a Unit.

vii. Covenants and Restrictions as to Use and Occupancy
ix. Damage and Destruction and Restoration of Building

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