
Article IX Damage and Destruction and Restoration of Building

1. Sufficient Insurance.

In the event the improvements forming a part of the Property, or any portion thereof, including any Unit, shall suffer damage or destruction from any cause and the proceeds of any policy or policies insuring against such loss or damage, and payable by reason thereof, shall be sufficient to pay the cost of repair or restoration or reconstruction, then such repair, restoration or reconstruction shall be undertaken and the insurance proceeds shall be applied by the Board or the payee of such insurance proceeds in payment therefor; provided, however, that in the event within thirty (30) days after said damage or destruction, the Owners elect either to sell the Property as hereinafter provided in Article XI hereof or to withdraw the Property from the provisions of this Declaration, and from the provisions of the Act as therein provided, then such repair, restoration or reconstruction shall not be undertaken. In the event such repair, restoration or reconstruction is not undertaken, the net proceeds of insurance policies shall be divided by the Board or the payee of such insurance proceeds among all Owners according to each Owner's percentage of ownership in the Common Elements as set forth in Exhibit "B" after first paying out of the share of each Owner the amount of any unpaid liens on his Unit, in the order of the priority of such liens.

2. Insufficient Insurance.

In the event the Property or the improvements thereon so damaged or destroyed are not insured against the peril causing the loss or damage, or the insurance proceeds are sufficient to pay the cost of repair, restoration, or reconstruction, and the Owners and all other parties in interest do not voluntarily make provision for reconstruction of the improvements within ninety (90) days after said damage or destruction, then the provisions of the Act in such event shall apply.

3. Extent of Repair, Restoration or Reconstruction.

Repair, restoration or reconstruction of the improvements as used in this Article, means restoring the improvements to substantially the same condition in which they existed prior to the damage or destruction, with each Unit and the Common Elements having the same vertical and horizontal boundaries as before.

viii. Sale, Leasing or other Alienation
x. Partial Condemnation

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