
Article VI Assessment-Maintenance Fund

paragraph (1)

1.) Each year on or before December 1st, the Board shall estimate the total amount necessary to pay the cost of wages, materials, insurance, services and supplies which will be required during the ensuing calendar year for the rendering of all services, together with a reasonable amount considered by the Board to be necessary for a reserve for contingencies and replacements, and shall on or before December 15th notify each Owner in writing as to the amount of such estimate, with reasonable itemization thereof. The Annual budget shall also take into account the estimated net available cash income for the year from the operation or use of the Common Elements. Said "estimated cash requirement" shall be assessed to the Owners according to each Owner's percentage of ownership in the Common Elements as set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hereto. On or before January 1st of the ensuing year, and the 1st of each and every month of said year, each Owner, jointly and severally, shall be personally liable for and obligated to pay to the Board or as it may direct, one-twelfth (1/12) of the assessment made pursuant to this paragraph. On or before April 1st of each calendar year following the initial meeting, the Board shall supply to all Owners an itemizes accounting of maintenance expenses for the preceding calendar year actually incurred and paid, together with a tabulation of the amounts collected pursuant to the estimates provided, and showing the net amount over or short of the actual expenditures plus reserves. Such accounting shall be prepared by a certified public accountant. Any amount accumulated in excess of the amount required for actual expenses and reserves shall be credited according to each Owner's percentage of ownership in the Common Elements, to the nest monthly installments due from Owners under the current year's estimate, until exhausted, and one-third (1/3) of any net shortage shall be added, according to each Owner's percentage of ownership in the Common Elements, to the installments due in each of the succeeding three (3) months after rendering of the account.

paragraph (2)

2.) The Board shall build up and maintain a reasonable reserve for contingencies and replacements. Extraordinary expenditures not originally included in the annual estimate which may become necessary during the year, shall be charged first against such reserve. If said "estimated cash requirement" proves inadequate for any reason, including non-payment of any Owner's assessment, the Board may at any time levy a further assessment which shall be assessed to the Owners according to each Owner's percentage of ownership in the Common Elements. The Board shall serve notice of such further assessment on all Owners by a statement in writing giving the amount and reasons therefor, and such further assessment shall become effective with the monthly maintenance payment which is due more than ten (10) days after delivery or mailing of such notice of further assessment. All Owners shall be personally liable for and obligated to pay their respective adjusted monthly amount.

paragraph (3)

3.) When the first Board elected hereunder takes office, it shall determine the "estimated cash requirement" as hereinabove defined, for the period commencing thirty (30) days after said election and ending on December 31st of the calendar year in which said election occurs. Assessments shall be levied against the Owners during said period as provided in paragraph (1) of the Article.

paragraph (4)

4.) The failure or delay of the Board to prepare or serve the annual or adjusted estimate on the Owner shall not constitute a waiver or release in any manner of such Owner's obligation to pay the maintenance costs and necessary reserves, as herein provided, whenever the same shall be determined, and in the absence of any annual estimate or adjusted estimate the Owner shall continue to pay the monthly maintenance charge at the then existing monthly rate established for the previous period until the monthly maintenance payment which is due more than ten (10) days after such new annual or adjusted estimate shall have been mailed or delivered.

paragraph (5)

5.) The Board shall keep full and correct books of account in chronological order of the receipts and expenditures affecting the Common Elements, specifying and itemizing the maintenance and repair expenses of the Common Elements and any other expenses incurred. Such records and the vouchers authorizing the payments shall be available for inspection by any Owner or any representative of any Owner duly authorized in writing, at such reasonable time or times during normal business hours as may be requested by the Owner. Upon ten (10) days' notice to the Board and payment of a reasonable fee, any Owner shall be furnished a statement of his account setting forth the amount of any unpaid assessments or other charges due and owing from such Owner.

paragraph (6)

6.) All funds collected hereunder shall be held and expended for the purposes designated herein, and (except for such special assessments as may be levied hereunder against less than all the Owners and for such adjustments as may be required to reflect delinquent or prepaid assessments) shall be deemed to be held for the benefit, use and account of all the Owners in the percentages set forth in Exhibit "B".

paragraph (7)

7.) If an Owner is in default in the monthly payment of the aforesaid charges or assessments for thirty (30) days, the members of the Board may bring suit for and on behalf of themselves and as representatives of all Owners, to enforce collection thereof or to foreclose the lien therefor as hereinafter provided; and there shall be added to the amounts due the costs of said suit, and other fees and expenses together with legal interest and reasonable attorneys' fees lo be fixed by the Court. To the extent permitted by any decision of any statute or law now or hereafter effective, the amount of any delinquent and unpaid charges or assessments, and interest costs and fees as above provided shall be and become a lien or charge against the Unit Ownership of the Owner involved when payable and may be foreclosed by any action brought in the names of the Board as in the case of foreclosure of liens against real estate. Said lien shall take effect and be in force when and as provided in the Act; provided, however, that encumbrances owned or held by any bank, insurance company or savings and loan association shall be subject as to priority after written notice to said encumbrancer of unpaid common expenses only to the lien of all common expenses on the encumbered Unit Ownership which become due and payable subsequent to the date said encumbrancer either takes possession of the unit, accepts a conveyance of interest in the unit Ownership, or has a receiver appointed in a suit to foreclose his lien. Any encumbrancer may from time to time request in writing a written statement from the Board setting forth the unpaid common expenses with respect to the Unit Ownership covered by such encumbrance.

paragraph (8)

8.) Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary the Trustee shall be assessed, according to the aggregate Percentage of ownership in the Common Elements for all Units it owns that are not occupied, only for that portion of the costs and expenses that will be required irrespective of the number of Units occupied, excluding from such estimate by way of illustration and not limitation, the cost of water and garbage collection, and also excluding any reserves for contingencies and replacements. The Trustee's ultimate liability for maintenance expenses actually incurred and paid under paragraph (1) of this Article VI, and for extraordinary expenditures under paragraph (2) of this Article VI, shall be similarly computed.

paragraph (9)

9.) Amendments to this Article VI shall only be effective upon unanimous written consent of the Owners and their mortgagees. No Owner may waive or otherwise escape liability for the assessments provided for herein by nonuse of the Common Elements or abandonment of his Unit.

v. Administration
vii. Covenants and Restrictions as to Use and Occupancy

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